Last year I had an very affluent millionaire that I admire tell me that I needed to write at least 3 speeches so that I can have different presentations for different groups of people that I speak too. I was very hesitant because if you have ever heard me speak then you know that I never use notes, I always speak from the heart. Well, I decided I would listen and take his advice so I put together a speech for me to use at the Zig Ziglar Corporation and before I left my desk I saw a quote from Benjamin franklin that said Well Done is better than Well Said. I liked the quote so much that I took a moment to write it down BUT I dropped my speech in the process. When I arrived at the Ziglar Corporation, I had one sheet of paper in my hand and I just laughed as I shared that quote when I began to speak and then I spoke like normal, from the heart. I realize now that if I had relied on that speech, I would have made a complete fool of myself. As we go through life, be real. Share your Failures and Successes so people can understood who YOU are and where YOU come from. With the economy in such disarray, people are looking for hope and encouragement and when you share your story of just making it through whatever you have experienced, others can draw strength from you.
Don't let your dreams be just Dreams. Share it and give hope and life to those around you.
Don't let your dreams be just Dreams. Share it and give hope and life to those around you.
Action Jackson