I sat in the AAC ready for Oprah's lifeclass with Bishop TD Jakes knowing that I would receive something for my soul. When I began to hear the stories of individuals who had NOT spoke to their father, I sat there wanting to SCREAM, RUN, and literally fall to my knees.
I AM A FATHERLESS DAUGHTER but my story is different. I had a father who treated my mother like a Queen and his daughter like a princess. On June 18,2004 Father's Day weekend HE DIED suddenly.
My question is how do you do to fill the void? Yes that was me doing the ugly cry... I didn't care.
MF Additional Footage2 from Silver Mountain Productions on Vimeo.
Perhaps if I had the chance to explain to the audience what a true relationship with a father feels like, they wouldn't waste time on petty things. Did we have problems? Of course we did, but they were resolved within the day. We never let the sun go down on our anger or disappointments. That's what I wanted to say to the people. Perhaps if I could tell them how hard it is not to hear his voice, or see his smile. The more they spoke, the more I cried until it got really ugly. The heaviness in my chest felt like someone had placed a one ton cement lock on my heart. I wanted someone to feel my pain and try to help them not go through that emotion.

When I was a little girl, my father bought me chick-o-sticks (the candy) all the time. It was like our tea time. When I arrived back to the hotel, I began to meditate on the day. It was so surreal. This Plain ole girl from Plano Texas had been CHOSEN to interview Oprah and Bishop TD Jakes. I had to breathe it in. I have attened over 15 LYBL and Oprah Lifeclasses but nothing compared to this one. I walked in the Omni with tears still flowing, the GM said, can I do anything for you? I said yes, send a Dr. Pepper to my room. He said, "Is that all"? I said no, add a cheeseburger and fries and he said ok.
I laid in my bed, looking up and wondering if my father witnessed what his baby girl had just done. I felt the tears, I tasted them and I couldn't hold them back. Then there was a knock on the door, when the room service dropped off my food, I looked on the platter and there were TWO chick-o-sticks. I began to sob, I told the man "You brought chick-o-sticks and he smiled. When he left I looked up and said dad, are these from you? Are you watching this? About 10 minutes later there was another knock on the door and I wondered who could it be. When I opened the door, there was the man again with a BOWLFUL of chick-o-sticks, as if my father was saying any questions dear. Oprah said my life would be supersized, I am seeing it all around me and I am so grateful for the OWN network, Sally Lou, Sheri Salata and all the people whose path I have crossed and they shined a light on me.

My plea is that if you have a distant relationship with your father, please make it right. My dad died suddenly at age 58. Don't spend another day wasting time - Take Action- Pick up the phone and make it right because one day you may be writing a letter just like this.
My name is Cheryl Action Jackson, and I am Hungry- to be a Voice.