Thursday, November 13, 2008

You get what you give! Thanks Frito Lay 23 baskets and all systems GO

I'm not sure where to begin this story. It started a few days ago when Laura called me to ask about Minnie's Food Pantry and if we needed help. I pictured the empty shelves at the pantry and I said YES! I HAD NO IDEA what would happen today.

The Frito Lay team came to the Pantry and where do I begin? They embraced my vision as though they had started the Giving Movement. They immediately broke into teams. You can't imagine what it felt like to have 25 of the most skilled, educated people in your organization offering help and advice. It was incredible.

Moments that I remember:
The F250 truck that tiny Heather had to park as she pulled up smiling and the team anxiously awaiting her arrival.

The hugs that I received from all of the muscle bound men of Frito Lay (smile)and how they didn't mind picking up and emptying boxes after boxes.

Laura- telling me to breathe -- don'tdo the ugly cry she said- just breathe and enjoy the moment (I will upload pictures later so you can determine if I was successful)

Pam- taking the bull by the horns and organizing teams that put together the thanksgiving dinners that we will be serving this Saturday at 1:00 and how her team came together and acheived every task that I sat before them ( AMAZING)

Annette- who kept pinching me to make sure I wasn't dreaming and for giving me a reason to want to do even more

Wyn- How ironic that a young student who thought of how to protect the integrity of our program was actually a Frito Lay employees son ( how proud he must be of him)

Gosh Suzanne- who is coming back to the pantry Saturday and is bringing teddy bears for all the children that we will serve - I AM SOOO PUMPED

I am also sleepy really I am sleep typing FYI--You know you are spending alot of money in the grocery store when they take your shoes and put them on top of the soda machine so you don't forget them.

What we do matters- and today Frito Lay ( Pam's team) Did something that will matter to over 5,000 people.

The Giving Movement -- Let's live it and breathe it

I will upload photos and video tomorrow I promise.

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