I read the quote "Making a Living thru Giving" on an email that I received from Tish today. I loved it so much I thought I would use it too.
Don't you love this season? Everywhere I go I see happy people smiling, opening doors and I hear laughter in the air. I stopped and begin to imagine the what if's. Today I appeared on Good Morning Texas and after that I was the keynote speaker at the annual Allen Chamber W.I.S.E womens expo.
What if I had never met Gary Cogill. What if he would not have asked me to audition for GMT? Where would I be today?
What if I had never met a beautiful lady named Lauri at Viewpoint Bank, what if she had not told Anne at the chamber my name? I am sure that I wouldn't have had the opportunity to meet the most powerful entrepenuers in Allen, Texas today.
Life is full of what if's. Your life depends on the what if's that you will do today.
My webmaster is one of the smartest men that I know. I met him because he lost his job and I offered him a hand up by giving him food from our pantry. After he got back on his feet, he called me and offered me his services. Do you like my website? What I like is that he didn't forget the person that helped him, I had no idea of his talents.
Some people watch it happen. some people ask what happened, and some people Make it Happen- which one are you? What would you receive if you received everything that you have given. The photo you see are from Generous strangers that appeared at our pantry and gave us food to help feed the hungry. What if your photo was here
When you learn, teach- When you get, GIVE.
Don't let giving be a season. Let it happen everyday!
Action Jackson
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