The past week was so emotional for me. As President of The Giving Movement, I have experienced alot of moments this year but none more challenging that last week. I have always believed that Christmas brings out the best in all of us, but this year, Minnie's Food Pantry realized more than ever what it means to depend upon the kindness of strangers. This Christmas Eve, we faced the challenge of our roof literally caving in destroying not only parts of our business office, but most importantly flooding and spoiling massive quantities of food in the storage areas that were in position to feed hundreds of families in the weeks of the New Year. On the heels of a difficult economic year for everyone, including The Giving Movement and Minnie's Food Pantry, the devastation was almost too much to bare.
Many of the news stations arrived to cover our story, which in turn, brought many of you, our "Christmas angels," to our doors with offers of help, donations, and in general good will with an added perfect blend of comfort and joy. Amidst the snow and cold, ruin and tears, a terrible accident that did so much harm was weaved into a special blessing that all of you helped turned to good.
We have a long way to go to put us back on our feet, but your kindness became the first step in rebuilding our foundation of brick and mortar, faith and hope, and our ability to keep to our cause of helping our neighbors in need. It would be impossible to convey the depth of our gratitude, but please know your involvement made a difference.
We know the chain of giving that you have started will be forged with strong links for the future and we pray that you and your families will be blessed with all good gifts. Thank you for your kindness, generosity, support and good will. Please keep in touch with us and know we are here to help, even you, should you ever need us. Finally, your donation is 100% tax deductible, please look for an email from E Simon of the Giving Movement that will include information for your tax records.
In closing, my prayer for you in 2010 is:
That your troubles are less, and Your Blessings be more, and Nothing but happiness, comes through your doors! Happy New Year!
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