It seems like yesterday that I was running around living my life like I wanted to. I had these handsome boys and my mother and all her wisdom said Cheryl before you know it YOU WILL BLINK and those boys will be grown and living their own life. I did the usual, I laughed at mom, thanked her for the advice and continued to live my life. I found this photo and again, the tears flowed. Look at them, aren't they the most beautiful kids you have ever seen. Bug looks straight the camera just to say, you caught me and I don't care. RJ looks down with that sneaky smile as if to say I'm so cute if I laugh I won't get a spanking ( and he didn't that day) so what happened?
I blinked, then they went to pre-school and I continued to live my life. I blinked and they went to middle school and silly me still didn't get it. They were slowly developing into men. I kept living my life and doing things my way. Yes, occasionally we had our good times but for the most part I was with friends and laughing with other family members instead of with them. I had them at the other end of the table at Luby's when they wanted to be next to me. But we had grown up stuff to discuss (that was my excuse) . I blinked and now they don't want to sit at our table. Now they don't even want to go to Lubys anymore. I blinked and my oldest son graduated and is now preparing to move out. I blinked and my youngest son has his own mind and his own philosophy of life. Then I opened my eyes and blinked so much from tears locking under my cheeks. I immediatley heard my mothers voice whispering to me, you'll blink she said, you'll blink. If you have children learn a lesson from the road I travelled. Take time to build memories. I am doing that now and thank God that it's not too late but it is later than I should have started. Cherish stolen moments with you and your child alone and make time to be with the ones who mean the world to you. I blinked and my father was gone. Sometimes, I hate closing my eyes for fear of what will happen when I BLINK.
A friend is one who knows all about you and still loves you.
wow. amazing post. Well you definitely did a lot right when you werne't blinking because you've raised really good boys. They are very respectable children. They are smart. They love you and Artis to death. They even show us a lot of love and respect. They are born leaders and they and breathe success at such a young age. Good job!