Introducing, Pastor Minnie Hawthorne' Ewing.
Why is she on my blog? I'll explain later but first things first. What happened today? My eyes did light up and I was happy to see my sons walk in the room. They noticed my smile and stayed around a little more than usual. We even watched a couple of television shows today and laughed and talked together.
I cooked dinner today, I fixed my husband breakfast and lunch. I am on a roll! I began an adventure to save money. I started at Albertsons where my bill was $74.40 but I paid $11.42. I was on cloud nine and as I continued on my quest to find great deals in the store I was stopped in my tracks when I received a phone call, it was from my Mother, that's her in the photo. She is a ball of fire and for years has struggled to help change lives on a nominal budget, well next month she is going to have an opportunity to win over 20 MILLION dollars on a game show. Isn't that wonderful? Mom is also a Pastor, author, and my best friend. She will also be appearing on Good Morning Texas tomorrow to discuss her book, Dear God, Letters to God. She is always saying this is her year well, This is her year.... I am exhausted so I will have to tell you more about this adventure tomorrow. There is so much more to tell, you won't believe what God is doing. All I have to say is the words of that old negro spiritual - Soon I will be done with the troubles of this world- and NOT because I'm going home to be with the Lord.
Speak Life.......
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