Saturday, December 29, 2012

After my death- will future generations know that I lived?

I keep thinking as I get older what do I want to be remembered by. I look around me and see that alot of people that I love the most are slowly dying and I think about what will happen when my time comes. As I prepare to leave this earth I am making sure that I say more kind words, laugh more with my family and friends and love in abundance! At the end of the day I wonder if any of the 40,000 people that we fed at Minnies Food pantry this year alone will remember my name? Just curious- what are you doing- have done or will do to make sure generations come know that you walked this earth? Please leave a comment! The great part is that I know God knows what we are doing so we will get eternal jewels which are priceless! Just sharing my heart with you. Take Action respond with a comment.

1 comment:

  1. Cheryl,

    It's late here in North Carolina and I have a massive head cold and really should be sleeping, but I couldn't lay down my head without responding to this post.

    What you do for the people in your community is felt all over the country. Not just because you were on tv, but because your spirit shines like a beacon that can't be extinguished. It is evident in the people who are around you. You make people shine just by being in their presence and listening to their stories.

    You are such a blessing to so many people. People who would have nothing if it weren't for you and Minnie's. I feel so blessed having met you and spent time with you. Your spirit will be felt LONG after any of us are gone my friend. You are a true hero to so many, me included.

    I can honestly say that If we can bless HALF of the people that you do on a daily basis, then I will consider my pantry a success.

    Alright, I think my cold meds are making me all mushy and gross, so I'll say goodnight. Remember that you have a huge fan and a friend here in NC and your presence means the world to me and will for all eternity.

    Love and Friendship,

    Ingrid's Food Pantry
