Monday, December 28, 2009

A letter of Thanks!

The past week was so emotional for me. As President of The Giving Movement, I have experienced alot of moments this year but none more challenging that last week. I have always believed that Christmas brings out the best in all of us, but this year, Minnie's Food Pantry realized more than ever what it means to depend upon the kindness of strangers. This Christmas Eve, we faced the challenge of our roof literally caving in destroying not only parts of our business office, but most importantly flooding and spoiling massive quantities of food in the storage areas that were in position to feed hundreds of families in the weeks of the New Year. On the heels of a difficult economic year for everyone, including The Giving Movement and Minnie's Food Pantry, the devastation was almost too much to bare.
Many of the news stations arrived to cover our story, which in turn, brought many of you, our "Christmas angels," to our doors with offers of help, donations, and in general good will with an added perfect blend of comfort and joy. Amidst the snow and cold, ruin and tears, a terrible accident that did so much harm was weaved into a special blessing that all of you helped turned to good.

We have a long way to go to put us back on our feet, but your kindness became the first step in rebuilding our foundation of brick and mortar, faith and hope, and our ability to keep to our cause of helping our neighbors in need. It would be impossible to convey the depth of our gratitude, but please know your involvement made a difference.

We know the chain of giving that you have started will be forged with strong links for the future and we pray that you and your families will be blessed with all good gifts. Thank you for your kindness, generosity, support and good will. Please keep in touch with us and know we are here to help, even you, should you ever need us. Finally, your donation is 100% tax deductible, please look for an email from E Simon of the Giving Movement that will include information for your tax records.

In closing, my prayer for you in 2010 is:
That your troubles are less, and Your Blessings be more, and Nothing but happiness, comes through your doors! Happy New Year!

Gov. Rick Perry today placed a friendly wager with Georgia Gov. Sonny Perdue

AUSTIN – Gov. Rick Perry today placed a friendly wager with Georgia Gov. Sonny Perdue over the outcome of today’s Independence Bowl game between the Texas A&M University Aggies and the University of Georgia Bulldogs.

“Georgia has a tremendous football program, but they’re going to find out the hard way just why Texas is the center of the football universe,” Gov. Perry said. “As an Aggie myself, you might say I’m biased, but I’ve seen this team grow each week under Coach Sherman, and I know the Aggies will take home a victory and send the Bulldogs back home to Georgia.”

Gov. Perdue offered a different point of view.

“In 2007, Governor Perry graciously flew the Georgia flag at the Texas Capitol after the Warner Robins Little Leaguers defeated Texas for the U.S. championship in route to their World Series title,” Gov. Perdue said. “Now in the Christmas Season, Gov. Perry is seeking to redeem himself with another wager. However, I am confident that Coach Richt and the Bulldogs will deliver for Georgia and the Atlanta Community Food Bank.”

In the spirit of friendly competition, Gov. Perry has wagered Mesquite Smoked Peppered Beef Tenderloin donated by the Perini Ranch Steakhouse in Buffalo Gap. When the Aggies beat the Bulldogs, Gov. Perry will donate the food from Georgia to Minnie’s Food Pantry in Plano.

The Independence Bowl takes place in Shreveport, La. This year’s game begins at 4 p.m. CDT.
Key Points

•Gov. Perry places friendly wager with Georgia Gov. Sonny Perdue
•Texas A&M and University of Georgia will face off in the Independence Bowl
•If A&M wins, food will be donated to Minnie's Food Pantry in Plano

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Christmas week and Minnie's is Going Strong!

The downturn in our nations economy is still affecting thousands, and has been very apparent this Christmas Season here in Plano Texas. This Saturday Minnie's Food Pantry had its annunal Christmas food and toy giveaway. We served 459 adults and 342 children!!!

Today. On Tuesday, December 22 Minnie's Food Pantry is still going strong for Christmas. We served 32 families and 120 people! Because of the consistent toy donations of local generous strangers, we had an excess toys and was still able to give to certain age groups, needless to say we saw tons of smiles on the children's faces, as well as their parents!

Saturday, December 12, 2009

What a day! We had wonderful volunteers and the parade was awesome.!

Today Minnie's Food Pantry served 34 families that had a total of 136 people in them. On top of that, I was the Grand Marshal of the Plano Christmas Parade.
I will post photos of the FUN FILLED activities I was involved in all day!

Friday, December 11, 2009

Angels or Generous Strangers

What happens when you have a dream and a desire to help others? What happens when your dream is so much bigger than your personal bank account? That's where I have been for the last year, I have questioned who I really am and am I doing the right thing because times are getting tougher and when I look into the eyes of people that NEED help I feel helpless myself. I am not sure where to start but on this day, I will start by saying I am so grateful that there are people who have connected to my dream and to the vision.
Yesterday when I returned from Good Morning Texas there was a wlady with a wonderful smile and she seemed very quite but her donation to our organization spoke for her. (Let's call her Laurie) she handed a check to us that would feed almost 200 families for ONE WEEK! or purchase enough toys for 75 kids! I was so happy and the best part is that she may come back and volunteer with us!
Sometimes you never know where your blessing will come from so I will end by saying always trust your heart and trust that people with good hearts like Laurie and John will find you when you need them the most.
Until tomorrow,
Do Something good today!

Minnie's Food Pantry continues to feed the hungry

12.11.09 Minnie's Food Pantry served 25 families/89 People today. We will continue to serve our community and we honored to be the hands that feed the hungry!!!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

I can only Imagine

I received a note this week that I had to share with you. Sometimes I have moments when I question whether I am doing the right thing with my life. That question is answered when I receive letters like this. I hope you enjoy reading this note as much as I did and please take a moment now to Join the Movement and donate something to help a family during the holidays. Let's make it happen, TOGETHER! Can you imagine a world without hunger? Guess what,I am working on the blueprint...Enjoy

Please allow me to introduce myself. My Name is Jan H. I am a regular visitor to Minnies and I would love to say just a few things about this wonderful place and the people there helping distribute, and stock. These people always always have a smile on their face and treat everyone the same way they would want to be treated if the shoe were on the other foot. Cheryl is a wonderful Christian Lady (always speaking to those she recognizes and is ready to give a hug and even take a moment out of her hectic schedule to pray with you if you need it). Cheryl is truly an "Angel" on earth and has already earned her wings.

It's a hard thing for a person to have to ask for help but at Minnie's, there are no lines drawn as to culture or creed..No person is discriminated against....Their goal is to fulfill your needs. I am very grateful for everything she has done for me. God Bless You Cheryl and God Bless all your helpers. Thank you from the bottom of my heart..... Jan H

Minnie's Food Pantry, Christmas Giveaway 2009...December 19th.....

Well the weather outside is frightful.. those are the words to one of my favorite Christmas carols, but the staff and volunteers at Minnie's Food Pantry isn't afraid because we are prepared to provide emergency food assistance to needy and deserving families in our community.. Today Minnie's Food Pantry served 34 families that included 133 people! Although it was 27 degrees today in Plano, Texas Men and women braved the cold weather to get something as simple as their next meal. Everyone that comes to the pantry is greeted with a warm smile and a kind word. ~

Minnie's food Pantry is in full preparation for our Annual Christmas generous Stranger oy Giveaway!!

On Saturday, December 19th at Minnie's Food Pantry we will be giving away toys and food to everyone that has pre-registered at our pantry. The oys will be given in conjunction with the food to children, whose parents have "pre registered." Minnie's Food Pantry is really excited that we will be able to put a smile on the faces of Children for Christmas 2009!

With less than two weeks remaining, if you would like to get involved visit us at and donate $20.00 or more to purchase a toy for a needy child. If you are in the area, pay us a visit and drop your toy off in person! We would love to share a smile with you. Please help us to brighten the day of hundreds of children in North Texas this season! If you need additional information, call our office at 972-596-0253 or and chat online with one of our staff members.