Saturday, December 29, 2012

After my death- will future generations know that I lived?

I keep thinking as I get older what do I want to be remembered by. I look around me and see that alot of people that I love the most are slowly dying and I think about what will happen when my time comes. As I prepare to leave this earth I am making sure that I say more kind words, laugh more with my family and friends and love in abundance! At the end of the day I wonder if any of the 40,000 people that we fed at Minnies Food pantry this year alone will remember my name? Just curious- what are you doing- have done or will do to make sure generations come know that you walked this earth? Please leave a comment! The great part is that I know God knows what we are doing so we will get eternal jewels which are priceless! Just sharing my heart with you. Take Action respond with a comment.

Take Action- Let it all Go!

I'm reading a book called  The 40 day Soul Fast by Cindy Trimm that I recommend for anyone who wants to Take Action!  This book was gifted to me by Karina Hunter and I can't thank her enough.
I'm taking stock in my soul. I'm at a place in life where I have to discard people, thoughts, and things in my life so I can add more of God's gifts and his plan for my life! This book hurts- I see things I need to change and one of them is to give more away!  I only want what I need- so this month I am picking a Saturday and inviting people over to take whatever I am giving away! I am making my load lighter so I can fly! Here's to Taking Action!

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Spending time with family - Chef D and his only diva Chandra

There is nothing more precious to me than spending time with the people I love.
Chef D took a break and allowed Bread Winners to cook for him today! My
Brother and his wife beat the Chefs on the Game Show Network earlier this year! I'm so proud of him.

Friday, November 23, 2012

Why I am thankful

This is been a spectacular year the photos will tell the story as to why I am thankful.  Minnies food pantry has provided over 1,000,000 pounds of food we have thousands of people who support our mission. I am thankful and grateful for everyone! All smiles! These photos are what I see at Minnie's Food Pantry on any given day.  The photo of the ladies in the garbage brought me to tears.  I helped them to the best of my ability.  We should all be grateful for the little or much that we have. 

Thursday, September 6, 2012

One Can of Corn - $1,200.00

I discovered the secrets of giving when I was a little child. I watched my grandmother give and as a pastor’s kid, the doors of our church and home revolved like a grocery store while I watched my parents consistently give away food, clothing and provide financial assistance to the community. Simply stated, giving is a taught behavior. At some point in your life you have to decide to leave a legacy. Which means something that is handed down from an ancestor or predecessor. This is one of the many stories of my family's legacy of giving. Enjoy. It happened in June, 2001 while I was visiting my sister, Lynette, who is a wife and mother of three children. I was extremely hungry as I opened my sister’s pantry but to my surprise I saw only ONE can of corn. Nothing else. Only one can of corn. I went back into the room and I tried to keep a straight face as we resumed our conversation. I watched Lynette smile as though nothing was wrong. I drove home that day and I struggled with what to do. I'm hoping you fall into this category. What do you do? As I shared my findings with my husband he said "I bet if I called your sister she would give that can of corn to me" so he picked up the telephone and asked Lynette for some food. It was a Saturday night, the next day we walked into church and I remember that Sunday morning so clearly. Lynette walked into church with her family at her side and she was smiling. She discretely handed my husband the can of corn and as I watched her kind deed, I could taste the salt of my tears as they locked under my cheek. My husband and I had agreed that if Lynette gave us that can of corn that we would give her $500.00 and we did! As the news about Lynette's unselfish act began to spread around church, other people began to give her more money. This day would eventually go down in history as the most expensive can of corn that had ever been GIVEN away. Before the benediction, Lynette and her family received over $1,000.00 for a simple act of giving and as you might imagine, there wasn't a dry eye in the building! When I hosted the Nothing but Good News radio show, I decided to interview the most important living legend in my life, my mother, Minnie Ewing. During the show, I received a call in from Bob Hopkins, the founder and publisher of Philanthropy World Magazine . As he began to ask my mother questions we had a startling discovery. Bob asked my mother to tell him a story about giving. My mother shared the story about a complete stranger coming to her house and asking for food. Since she and her brother were the only ones at home, they remembered what my grandmother had taught them. She taught them to give, even if it was your last, and that’s what they did. They gave that stranger, a chair and one can of CORN! While mother was sharing this story my sister and I sat in the studio and we were astonished and amazed. We cried because we realized how one woman had created a legacy of giving-three generations and it all started with a can of corn. That simple. This story will help you discover what I did. When you give, however big or small, it always comes back. The photo to the left is the original can of corn that was given to us June, 2001. There was no way we could eat that particular can of corn. We decided to keep it as a reminder for us to always give something on a daily basis. Just like Lynette created a memory that we will never forget, I challenge you to do the same. There were many kernels in that can of corn, all very small but together they made a huge impact. There are many ways that you can give. Give your own corn, beans or whatever and watch the harvest! Every year gives us 365 days to become a giver. So each day that we live, we have the opportunity to give something (a smile, hug, helping hand) My prayer for you is that you have the hands to get and the heart to give. Begin your legacy today. Minnie's Food Pantry, a nonprofit 501 c (3) organization to feed children and families throughout the world. Start today. Write your story. Share your story. There is no "I" in team but there is an "I" in Give. Be a Go-Giver! For kid's sake. Cheryl Jackson Founder, TGM

Monday, September 3, 2012

Are you listening? by Kirk Franklin

Relax and listen to the powerful words in this song. I was sitting in the room when Kirk made an appeal for gospel artist to help him record this song. EVERYONE agreed and the end result is in the video.
Let's remember Haiti and all those that need someone like YOU to make a difference in their life. Speak a word of hope and please DO SOMETHING.
Take Action
Cheryl Jackson

The American Bible Challenge debuted - Millions watched - Cheryl Jackson was on the record breaking episode.

What a week this has been. I can finally talk about my appearance on the American Bible Challenge last week. When the ratings came out, the show broke the 17 year ratings history for the Game Show Network and I was so grateful to win $20,000 for my charity, Minnie's Food Pantry. There is nothing better than helping others and to be on national television winning money for the hungry was more than a dream come true. The host was Jeff Foxworthy and he made the show such a hit. I am thankful to my teammates Lynette Shofner and Lanette Patt for helping me win money enough money to provide 80,000 meals! I will post my thoughts later this week and welcome your feedback.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Minnie's Gives Back

Join us as we schedule a day of giving-- more to come!

Friday, May 4, 2012

Make a list of you WINS whether big or small and don't forget, God was in them all.


Show up BIG for everything that seems little or small in your life. #Livingonpurpose

Friday, April 27, 2012

Be you!

Last year I had an very affluent millionaire that I admire tell me that I needed to write at least 3 speeches so that I can have different presentations for different groups of people that I speak too. I was very hesitant because if you have ever heard me speak then you know that I never use notes, I always speak from the heart. Well, I decided I would listen and take his advice so I put together a speech for me to use at the Zig Ziglar Corporation and before I left my desk I saw a quote from Benjamin franklin that said Well Done is better than Well Said. I liked the quote so much that I took a moment to write it down BUT I dropped my speech in the process. When I arrived at the Ziglar Corporation, I had one sheet of paper in my hand and I just laughed as I shared that quote when I began to speak and then I spoke like normal, from the heart. I realize now that if I had relied on that speech, I would have made a complete fool of myself. As we go through life, be real. Share your Failures and Successes so people can understood who YOU are and where YOU come from. With the economy in such disarray, people are looking for hope and encouragement and when you share your story of just making it through whatever you have experienced, others can draw strength from you.

Don't let your dreams be just Dreams. Share it and give hope and life to those around you.
Action Jackson

Tuesday, April 24, 2012


Moving Forward

Source: via Olivia on Pinterest

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Our first ride in the 24 foot truck donated by TGI Fridays

It was only a few years ago that we would have to drive up to six cars to the North Texas Food Bank to pick up food to distribute to families in the community. Because of the generosity of TGI FRIDAYS, we will never have to do that again! This shows if you are persistent and live your purpose it pays off. Thank you to my TGI Fridays family. A video of the presentation of the truck to Minnie's Food Pantry will be uploaded to my website soon. Cheryl Jackson

What in the world are you doing?

I read this article by Chris Widener and I had to share it with you. What kind of impact are you making? What I believe sets the successful apart is that they don't just live the average life. They don't just pass time. They make an impact. They have something compelling in their life that drives them-something that gives them an answer when they are asked that question: What in the world are you doing? I'm helping children. I'm creating a business that supports many families. I lead a church. I am defending our liberties. I am raising great children. I'm teaching others to improve their lives. I help people have fun. I create memories for people. In other words, successful people always come down to this: I make an impact and help other people by (fill in your purpose here). What in the world are you doing? If you want to be successful, you need to be able to answer that by describing how you help others. If you aren't helping others, if you aren't making an impact, you are just taking up space, eating food and waiting to die. Here's the question for you to answer and what to do with your answer: What in the world are you doing? If you know, then you are good to go-live it and make an impact! If you don't know, then maybe you need to reflect on what you are doing, what your life is about, and how you can explode the mundane bubble you may be living in! The world needs impact makers-so live to be one! by Chris Widener
My Son Rj interviews Will Smith.

will smith 7 pounds (4)
Like mother like Son uploaded by hiitscj
This was my son Rj's first red carpet interview and look who he landed, the one and only Will Smith. Watch the interview and leave me your comments. They made a huge connection. I am extremely proud of him! Sometimes we have to let them go to see what we have taught them, It was my son RJ who found the first family that we served at Minnie's Food Pantry on April Fools Day, 2008. 92,000 people later we are still going strong. I am a proud mother!

Friday, April 20, 2012

What happens when you have a dream and a desire to help others? What happens when your dream is so much bigger than your personal bank account? That's where I have been for the last year, I have questioned who I really am and am I doing the right thing because times are getting tougher and when I look into the eyes of people that NEED help I feel helpless myself. I am not sure where to start but on this day, I will start by saying I am so grateful that there are people who have connected to my dream and to the vision.
Yesterday when I returned from Good Morning Texas there was a wlady with a wonderful smile and she seemed very quite but her donation to our organization spoke for her. (Let's call her Laurie) she handed a check to us that would feed almost 200 families for ONE WEEK! or purchase enough toys for 75 kids! I was so happy and the best part is that she may come back and volunteer with us!
Sometimes you never know where your blessing will come from so I will end by saying always trust your heart and trust that people with good hearts like Laurie and John will find you when you need them the most.
Until tomorrow,
Do Something good today!

Sunday, April 15, 2012

No Kid Hungry-

To say that I am honored to be a voice for the hungry is an understatement. I found out the way to get what you want is to give what you need. When I started Minnie's Food Pantry I needed food but I had just enough money to pay the first and last month's rent. I asked my husband if I could take all the unopened boxes of food to the pantry to give to the community and he said yes. Three years later, I stand in awe of what has happened with Minnie's Food Pantry. Lives have changed through the giving of something as small as a loaf of bread. As the tears flow, I want to say thank you to every person that responded to the Food Network, Hunger Hit Home documentary. Remember change begins with you and we can change the future of hungry children in OUR country. I call on everyone with a voice to be a voice. Be the change and remember if you can't feed 100 people, then FEED JUST ONE. Join Me donate $25.00 or more and your name will be added to our website as a hunger hero. Together we will achieve our goal. YES, WE CAN. Hungry to Serve, Cheryl Action Jackson